Here’s Where You Begin

I know you are wondering where is the beginners crystal set?

After crystal shopping for several years, The founder of Palace One Eleven believed that it was practically impossible to create a beginners set.

No ones’ journey starts the same. I receive clients who merely want a peaceful sleep. Some who are looking to overcome heartbreak. Every so often I meet people who don’t know where to start however they are seeking vibrations to soothe emotions and feel more grounded.
— Pepper Founder Of Palace One Eleven

Considering no one journey looks the same we wanted to design a personalized experience for each person introducing themselves to crystals.

How does the process work?

After Selecting your size box small, medium or large.

Small includes 4-5 pcs
Medium Includes 7-8 pcs ( 1 Crystal Jewelry )
Large Luxe Customs Includes a combination of a luxe room piece, traditional crystals & jewelry piece

This process requires completing the “Custom Box Form” prompted at checkout.